It’s a new year and I bet you’re ready for a fresh start.

But maybe 2023 doesn’t feel that way so far.

Maybe you’re still grabbing for sugary treats after dinner every night.

Maybe you keep telling yourself “Next week I’ll go to the gym”.

Maybe you’re still feeling the effects of the holidays, but you’re stuck in some not-so-great habits and you can’t shake them no matter what you do.

Any of this resonating?

Don't stress - I've got you!

What your body needs is a reset.

You need to recalibrate, recenter, and refocus.

I have good news my friend - I carefully designed a Ten Day Reset to help you do just that!

My Ten Day Reset program will speed up your metabolism, boost your energy levels, support your detox pathways, and help you feel refreshed and revitalized in the New Year.

What women are saying

- 100% of participants noticed improvements in energy

- 89% of participants noticed improvements in their sleep quality

- 67% of participants noticed improvements in their mood and mental clarity

- 78% of participants noticed improvements in their digestion and bloating

- 100% of participants said they would recommend the Ten Day Reset to a friend

"Honestly, I've always wanted to do something like this but have been intimidated because of the discipline it requires. I've often shied away from any discipline regarding food after struggling with anorexia in early high school. I've tried doing resets or thought about Whole 30 before, but psychologically it would wig me out before starting and I'd give up so quickly. When I saw this reset was only 10 days, that didn't feel as overwhelming to me and seemed more doable. I'll admit that I haven't followed the workout program as much, but this program has been so helpful for my relationship with food!!! I'm encouraged and SO excited to see that I can do something like this! Plus the recipes are very good and the meal prep instructions very helpful. I plan to be making a majority of the recipes again! That I can go 10 days without sugary things/desserts when normally I have some every day, often multiple times a day is a big deal to me. It's helped me pay a little more attention to when I'm hungry vs. eating because it's "time to eat." I love that this program was a holistic reset, not just about food or exercise. This reset has helped me adopt important little things in my life (eg: seeing daylight first thing in the morning, lamps in the evening, devotional time). 10 days may not seem like much, but a lot can happen in 10 days. I'm even thinking about doing this reset every other month.The workout aspect is a little intimidating to me, so I think that will be the focus of my next 10 day reset. Thank you Taylor! 10 days does make a big difference!" - Lila P

"“The 10 day Reset was life changing for me. I participated in the Restore program and learned so much about the foundations of health but the straightforward plan of the Reset was huge for me. I was able to eliminate ALL cravings, break the cycle of daily alcohol consumption, break the cycle of multiple cups of coffee a day, break my borderline social media addiction and much more. I could think clearly, I was more patient with my children and I had a ton of energy. I can truly say that I have never felt this well in my entire life. While it wasn't the goal, I lost 9.3 pounds in 10 days. Highly recommend this program to truly anyone looking for a mental and physical reset. My body truly craves good, whole food and movement now and I am so appreciative. 4 days out and I still haven't re-downloaded instagram LOL” - Lauren R

“10 days is such a small amount of time, but the short timeframe allowed me to fully concentrate on all aspects of the reset and I found it worked amazingly well! I'm honestly surprised at how much energy I have after doing this. Almost all the nights I have been able to get good rest and wake up on time without an alarm clock, which has NOT been my experience most of the time. I also had so much more mental clarity and felt simply amazing. I am planning to just keep it up for as long as I can since it has me feeling so great. I liked the meal plan, and I found the snacks to be especially helpful. There were some days when I made something different like salmon, but I was able to stay within the spirit of the meal plan pretty well. I also really enjoyed the exercise program!! I look forward to continuing this as well. Overall, I found this to be a helpful supplement to all I have learned in the restore program. I really enjoyed it and will continue enjoying it in the weeks (or more?) to come.” - Jill J

“The 10 day reset plan was just what I needed to motivate myself to take positive action towards better health. Because it was a short time frame, I didn’t feel initially overwhelmed. Something that especially benefited me was the section about hydration. Now I am much more mindful about hydration and it really helps how I feel overall. I also liked the simple but filling recipe ideas. The meal plan was easy to modify to my own liking. The workout plan jump started me and I’m still sticking with it. This reset plan was super affordable and packed with so many helpful tools. I’ll keep using these tools and referring back to the material I was able to download and save.” - Alena S

“All around really liked the meal plan! I always love learning new things from you! I'm enjoying doing the social media fast - that has been a positive mental change! I'm going to work on getting outside at least for a few minutes each morning to help with circadian rhythm. I would definitely recommend this Reset to others. Overall this is a great tool that I know I could definitely turn to again! Thanks so much for putting it together!” - Stephanie B

“I loved the 10 Day Reset, especially the ease of the meal plan. Taylor made it concise, easy to follow, AND tasty! I know I'll return to the 10 day reset and keep some of the recipes on a frequent rotation!” - Candice H

This program is a great fit if you:

  • Feel tired even on days you have caffeine
  • Struggle with bloating or sluggish digestion
  • Are experiencing hormone imbalances
  • Feel puffy, stiff, or inflamed
  • Struggle to get restful sleep
  • Are ready to kick your sugar addiction
  • Want clear, simple instructions to feel better in your body in just ten days
  • Want an ebook with invaluable health tips you can hold onto forever
  • Want a chance to talk to an expert about all things health/nutrition

What is included in the Reset?

Kickoff Journal Prompts

Journal prompts to reflect on how you feel in your body, how you want to feel, and how you’re going to get there.

Hydration Tips

Guidelines for hydrating to reduce cravings, boost weight loss, improve digestion, and improve the way our brain functions (our brain is over 70% water!)

Caffeine Tips

How to caffeinate the right way so you actually have more energy, not less. Amount, type, and timing is everything!

Meal Plan

Meal plan with simple, delicious recipes you will want to use again and again. Each day includes three meals and one or two snacks, and you will get a grocery list with everything you’ll need as well as a meal prep timeline recommendation so you know when to cook what.

The meal plan is designed to nourish your body with essential vitamins and nutrients, reduce inflammation, and boost your metabolism.

(the meal plan is 100% gluten-free and contains very small amounts of dairy that can easily be removed)

Workout Plan

Workout plan with seven different workouts - two upper body strength, two lower body strength, two full body strength, and one HIIT challenge.

These workouts are designed to build muscle and burn calories both during and after the workouts, leaving you feeling energized and strong.

Workout Guidelines

Workout guidelines to understand the “effort” sweet spot during exercise, tips for reducing muscle soreness, and directions for how to keep using these workouts again and again to build more muscle and boost your metabolism even further.

Morning & Evening Routines

The most important daily practices to include in your morning and evening routine to boost your energy and mood, and help you sleep like a baby.

Brain-Rewiring Journal Prompts

Optional evening journal prompts designed to rewire your brain and promote a happier, more optimistic mind.

Optional Zoom Call with Dietitian

Optional add-on: 90-minute group Zoom call with Functional Medicine Dietitian Taylor Stolt, where you can ask her all your burning questions about nutrition, movement, or anything else health-related!

(note: Taylor cannot give medical advice)

Registration is currently closed

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